-The Gang are in the street playing-
Rosie: Remember the time we had to stop the Nightmare Prince from using the Nightmirror.
Carter: Yea, how can we forget. We had evil twins, but we taught them a lesson.
Nick: Remember the time we met the Wishing Whale and got our favorite wishes. They actualy came true!!
Keiko: Huh, I don't remember that!
Nick: Thats because you weren't there. I wish we could have our wishes come true again!
Carter: Yea But this time lets enjoy them.
Rosie: Yes.
--The Gang say good night and go to their rooms--
Nick: I am tired of School and Homework.
Rosie: Me too, Hopefully we can relax tonight.
Nick: That would be great.
Rosie: Night Night
Nick: See you in the Dream Zone.
Rosie: Ok
--The Gang all arrive in the Dream Zone--
Carter: Alright we made it into the Dream Zone.
Potsworth: Quick aren't you?
Sabastian: Hello Midnight Patrol
--The Gang say Hello--
Sabastian: Go to the beach, someone special is waiting for you!
Nick: I wander who it is?
Rosie: Yes me to!
--The gang arrive at the beach--
The wishing Whale: Hey kids, how are you?
Rosie: Wow! the Wishing Whale
Nick: How did you know that we wanted to see you?
The Wishing Whale: Well since you kids want to relax I thought that I should help you by giving you
your favorite wishes.
Keiko: Cool, Lets go!
--The Gang folow the Wishing Whale--
Nick: Where do you are Wishes come true?
The Wishing Whale: Same place as last time, remember "The Island"
The Wishing Whale: Ok get on my back and i'll get you to the island.
--The Gang get on the Wishing Whales back--
Carter: This is gonna be so cool!!
The Wishing Whale: Alright just sit back and relax and think of your favorite wish that you want to
come true and i'll do the rest.
--The Gang Wish--
The Wishing Whale: Here we are kids, to get there walk down that cave and you do the rest. BUT REMEMBER
--The Wishing Whale goes of into the water--
Moon: Hey kids, I remember you guys except for the girl with black hair.
Rosie: Thats Keiko she wasn't here last time!
Potsworth: Umm Yes!
Moon: See you around
Carter: Ok!
--The Gang Walk down the cave--
Rosie: Here we are There are doors with are names on them.
--The gang run into the doors with their names on them!--
Carter's Wish
Carter: Cool, I have my own art Museum and all my painting are alive and help out!!
--Lots of people are admiring Carters Work--
Nick's Wish
--Nick is walking down the street and looks at the comic book store--
Nick: Cool, I am the best and biggest Super hero ever!!!!
--A man walks by--
The Man: Super Nick!! whats it like to be the best Super Hero in the World??
Nick: Well Uhh Great!
Keiko's Wish
Keiko: This is great I am the fastest boarder in the world I am faster than sound.
--This is great she thinks--
Rosie's Wish
Rosie: Well i might try the Rosie Centre again but Hopefully there is NO Pyscho Assistant!
--Rosie Enters the Rosie Centre--
Rosie: Seems great so far. I'll buy 10 pairs of shoes in all the deleux colours and the best thing is
i can have everything for FREE!!
Potsworth's Wish
Potsworth: I am a King and now no one can tell me what to do! this looks great.
--Servent comes up to King Potsworth--
Servent: Here are some Bones for you King Potsworth
Potsworth: Well thank you.
--Carter Screams out--
Carter: Oh No the Dream Zone moon has nearly set.
--The Gang hear and run towards the Shore--
Rosie: Come on guys RUN!!!!
Keiko: We might Just make it!
Nick: Where is the Wishing Whale?
--The Water is wavy and then the Wishing Whale comes above the water and swims
towards the Gang--
The Wishing Whale: Quickly jump on my back!
Keiko: That was great
Nick: Yes it was!
Carter: For once nothing bad happend.
The Wishing Whale: That is good to here.
Rosie: Oh no we have got to get up we are late for school.
--The Gang say goodbye to the Wishing Whale. Then they wake up on Earth--
Rosie: Hurry up Nicolas we are late for school.
Nick: Ok Rosie. That was great last night.
Rosie: Yes it was.
--The gang go to school--
Made by Alex d H the Creator of this site
kids are in the Dream Zone doing their things*
Nick: This is the best dream ever. I can leap over this tree.
My artistic paintings will make this dream cool. What are you doing, Rosie?
Rosie: I shall have my fun here.
*sigh* Every night is different here.
Keiko: We're the Midnight Patrol, and nothing can ever stop us. Just as long
as we work togethe-- [CRASH]
Other members: KEIKO!
Carter: Keiko! Wake up! Wake up, please!
Who am I? I swore someone was waking me up. Is the dream over?
Carter: No, Keiko, you're still here.
I think it would be wise if we see what her problem is.
*At Dream Central*
Chief: *sighs* Kids, your leader
has a bad case of what's called amnesia.
Chief: I don't know when it will wear off... prbably in
a few more nights.
*In the fields*
Carter: I can't understand it. First Keiko was flying free, now she's not
riding her board anymore.
Potsworth: I guess this it be very difficult to get her to remember who she is.
groggily: You're about to run into something.
Potsworth/Carter/Rosie/Nick: Oof!
*The other members see taxi
driver on a highway*
Rosie: Watch where you're going you, numbskull!
Driver: Sorry, I'm a bit in a hurry.
*At a picnic*
Nick: Maybe Keiko needs water or juice.
Keiko: Please feel free to stir in your own
*spoons appear in their cups, and automatically the juices are stirred*
Carter: You can predict the
Keiko: What else do I have than to say that Nick is as high as a kite.
Nick: WHOOOOOA! Hey, I'm 100
feet in the air!
Rosie: Nicholas! Come down here this instant!
Carter: We gotta cure Keiko fast.
Lake Sleepy*
Potsworth: I believe we should give up, our fearless leader is not the same anymore...
Potsworth, Keiko's been acting very weird lately.
Rosie: It's not like her at all to be that powerless.
I'm afraid you're all wet, Rosie.
*Dock board breaks*
Rosie, underwater:
Glub, glub, glub...
*Rosie emerges from water*
Rosie: Eeeeew!! My dress! It's ruined!
Nick: Don't
worry, Rosie, we'll dry it, and find a cure for our leader.
*At doctor's office*
Doctor: Your leader is suffering
from psychic proportions.
Carter: Do you know of anything that can cure her?
Doctor: You must get her to bang
her head on something real hard.
Nick: That's it?
Doctor: There's no other way.
*In field*
Ok, Keiko, when I say three, run towards that rock. And bang your head on it a couple of times.
Potsworth: I can't
watch this!
Keiko: I'm moving.
Carter: No, don't walk, run!
Keiko: I'm running, but it is no use.
I am a psychic person and--
*Keiko trips and hits her head on rock*
Nick: Keiko!
Carter: Keiko! You
Keiko: Ok? Ok? I'm as energetic as ever! Where's my surfboard?
Rosie: I found this, Keiko, Is this your
Keiko: Yeah! That's it! Let's have fun here again.
*Kids play dream-ball*
Potsworth: There's
nothing more exciting than a game of dream-ball in the field.
Keiko, to viewer: You know, it's not always easy being
a psychic person, 'cause I know what's happening... I'm having fun, and I always will.
Fan-fic written by Rash Raccoon
20,000 STARS
*The gang is outside their houses on a warm night, having a pool party.*
Watch this move, everyone. I'm gonna make a splash like you've never seen. Cannonball!
Keiko: *giggles* That
was a good move, but wait until you see this.
*Keiko does a handstand, and let's go of the diving board, Splash*
Here's something else I can do.
*Keiko holds her breath and submerges herself, does a water ballet move, emerges and gasps
for air*
Keiko: Wasn't that a neat trick?
Nick: Rosie, aren't you going to join us?
Rosie: I don't like getting wet.
I like to catch tan.
Nick: But it's not daytime anymore.
*In Nick's and Rosie's house, getting ready for bed*
That was a good dip.
Rosie: I don't like to get wet often.
Nick: You should have joined us.
Rosie: I prefer getting
rays. *yawns* See you in the Dream Zone.
Nick: Good night, Rosie.
*The Gang appear at Dream Central, alarm blares*
*sighs* That thing is loud and noisy. Am I always the first to hear this?
Keiko: Looks like trouble.
Chief: Kids, look
at this television. Something terrible just happened at the Sleepy Sea!
*On television*
Henchman #1: Boss, are you sure
this starfish monster is going to succeed in getting rid of those kids?
Nightmare Prince: Men, this creation is perfect!
Once I get it into the sea, and use it to the sea, the Midnight Patrol will be vanquished!
Henchman #2: Yeah. I can see
it happening right now.
Chief: You must go to the Sleepy Sea and stop this monstrosity, otherwise all the water will be
Patrol: Yes, mam!
*Over the sleepy sea*
Keiko: This is it, guys.
Potsworth: Um, will we be ok?
We can't survive underwater that long.
Keiko: Potsworth, this is the Dream Zone. We can do anything here. We don't need
scuba gear, we can breathe underwater.
*Patrol jumps into Sleepy Sea, and float down 200 feet below the sea, and land on
the ocean floor*
Carter: Man, is this the bottom of the Sleepy Sea?
Rosie: Wow! Live coral!
Keiko: Guys, we must
find the starfish monster now.
*3 sea creatures welcome the Patrol to the ocean floor*
Shark: It's them!
horse: Our ocean is in terrible trouble!
Pickerel: We need your help!
Keiko: Help has just come. we're going to find
that starfish monster and put it out of operation.
*Shark, sea horse, and pickerel lead the way to underwater cave*
I hear a noise...
Potsworth: I suppose that could only mean...
Starfish monster: Grrrrrrrrrr...
All 8 characters:
The starfish monster!
Starfish monster: Grrrroooarrrrr.
Rosie: We could use a weapon to get rid of it.
*Carter paints
a red cape and waves it*
Carter: Hey, five-arms, over here!
Starfish: *snarl*
Carter: Ole'!
*Starfish charges
into mountain of coral, and gets two arms stuck in the holes*
Carter: Do your super pounce, Super Nick!
Nick: Here I
*Nick pounces hard on the starfish monster's back, crushing it so hard it cannot move any longer, becomes unconsious*
3 sea creatures: Yay! The Midnight Patrol saved our ocean!
*Meanwhile, in his castle, the Nightmare Prince sees what
Nightmare Prince: No! Not again! Midnihght Patrol, you're too strong!
*telephone rings*
Nightmare Prince:
Yes, mother?
*Prince's mother yells at him*
Nightmare Prince: But I...
*Back at the bottom of the ocean*
You saved us!
Sea horse: You rid our sea of that five-armed creature!
Pickerel: We must congratulate you.
If there's anything we can do for you, just let us know.
Rosie: You bet.
Keiko: It's time for us to head for the rowboat
and wake up!
Nick: Let's go!
*Midnight Patrol swims up to the surface and climb back onto the rowboat*
Nick: Wasn't
that battle fun, Murphy?
*Murphy squeals*
*Dream Central*
Chief: You've done a good job, Midnight Patrol. Now
the ocean and its creatures can relax.
Keiko: We must wake up now.
Midnight Patrol: Good-bye!
*Kids wake up*
and Rosie's father: Nick, Rosie, We're going to the beach. Wanna bring your sand toys?
*At the beach*
Carter: That
was a fun dream, guys, and we taught that monster a lesson.
*Potsworth barks and swims*
Nick: I guess Potsworth learned
a new kind of swimming move... the dog paddle.
Fan fic by Rash Raccoon